07921 762 278 Ianjewell@hotmail.co.uk

Look at this brand new website by Universal Web Design! They have provided us a great design that will help boost our business while being useful to our customers!

We are proud to be working with Universal Web Design to bring you this brand new site! They are a pleasure to work with and we can’t recommend them enough! Not only did they provide us this amazing website they also do an amazing job at providing Search Engine Optimisation to our site to boost us to the top of Google so we can get new customers to help them save on their bills also!

While Diamond Trading may not use all of our services, we have heard many good things about a lot of their services. They also provide services such as Social Media Management, Pay Per Click, Blog Management, Emal Marketing, SMS Markting, Conversion Rate Optimisation and many other great services as well, we can’t recommend enough the services of the Universal Group, if you are interested in them, please don’t hesitate to get in contact with them!


How has Universal Group helped us?

Previously, our website was extremely poor, looked quite tacky and no one would seem to trust us so nobody would use our services. Not only this, it was extremely difficult to rank up on google with our poor Search Engine Optimisation. That is until I became friends with Danny Nevill! who provided me with a great looking website and great Search Engine Optimisation to help rank higher in Google! This took our business from a small fry to a big fish! and we couldnt be happier with the services provided!Diamond Trading Utilities Simplified


Contact Us – New website by Universal Web Design

If you are considering getting yourself a great website or SEO. Please get in tough with them yourself then by using this contact information:

Email: webdesign@universalwebdesign.co.uk
Universal Web Design: www.universal-group.co.uk
Phone: 01206 588 000

Diamond Trading:
Email: ianjewell@hotmail.co.uk
Phone: 07921 762 278
Site: https://diamondtradinguk.co.uk/